Meet Your Councillors

Local Councillors are elected by the community to decide how the council should carry out its various activities. They represent public interest as well as individuals living within the parish in which he or she has been elected to serve a term of office.

The Councillors are supported in their duties by the Parish Clerk.

Cllr Sue Sanderson

“We moved to Backbarrow in November 1986 into a brand new house (in fact not quite finished!) on Water Close. Our son Alistair was 4 and started at Leven Valley Primary School in Reception, in fact to help him settle in they used our house as a project as it was still under construction. My husband was Headteacher at Langdale School and I taught in Barrow and Ulverston, We have lived here ever since, I was Headteacher of a primary school and a secondary special school. I am Vice Chair governor at Leven valley Primary School and Chair of governors at Sandside Lodge School. I have been a member of St Anne’s Church and edit the Parish Community magazine. I was elected to the Parish and District Council nearly four years ago and to the County Council in May 2015. I am Cabinet member for the Environment and People (otherwise known as the bin lady! ) for SLDC. When I was elected I wanted to improve the A590, resolve the Backbarrow Ironworks site and expand recycling across the District, we are making progress on all three and the Parish Council has played a key part.”

Cllr Cath Stoddart

“I’ve lived in the parish all my life, just as my parents did. I worked at Hollow Oak Nursing Home as a carer for 27 years. I’ve seen lots of change in the parish, both good and bad.
Living in the parish for the last 63 years, I hope my knowledge and background will help me to support issues.”

Cllr Julian Bevins

Cllr Brian Fleming

Cllr Alan Riley

Parish Clerk

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